Central Institute For Research On Goats (ICAR-CIRG) 0565-2970 995

All India Number(s): 

0565-2970 995 (For Contact Support)

0565-2970 996 (For Queries)


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Telephone Directory

Sr.No. Name Intercom No.
1 Director 111
2 DPS 211
3 Administration Officer 112
4 Arun Kumar Singhal 231
5 F.A.O. 113
6 Audit Section 225
7 AAO, CP And C 114
8 DDO 115
9 CP And C Section 221
10 Establishment 222
11 Cashier 230
12 Central Store 239
13 Bill And Cash 223
14 Library 227
15 P.K. Sharma 146
PME Section
16 Dr Ashok Kumar, I/c PME 238
17 AKMU 121
18 Dr. A.K. Mishra I/c AKMU 131
19 Satish Chandra 121
AGB Division
20 Dr. M.K. Singh (HOD) 141
21 Dr. Gopal Das 140
22 AICRP-Goat (PC) 226
ANM And PT Division
23 Dr. Ravindra Kumar (HOD) 122
24 Dr. Arvind Kumar 119
25 Dr. V. Rajkumar 120
26 Dr. B. Rai 118
27 Dr. AK Verma 123
28 Dr. Mohd. Arif 124
29 Dr. T.P. Singh 125
30 S.P. Singh, ACTO 242
31 Rajendra Kumar 214
32 Main Gate Security Post 145
33 Lab Bldg. Security Post 234
Animal Health Division
34 Dr. Ashok Kumar (Head) 127
35 Dr. A.K. Mishra 131
36 Dr. Anu Rahal 129
37 Dr. Nitika Sharma 130
38 Dr. K. Gururaj 128
39 Micro Biology Lab 132
40 Dr. Vinay Chaturvedi 233
41 T.K. Gautam 232
42 A.H Division Office 126
APR Division
43 Dr. Mukesh Bhakat (Head) 134
44 Dr. S.D. Kharche 133
45 Dr. Ravi Ranjan 135
46 Dr. S.P. Singh 136
47 Dr. Chetna Gangwar 137
48 Dr. Y.K. Soni 138
EESE Section
49 Dr. A.K. Dixit 116
50 Dr. Khushyal Singh 117
51 Helpline 229
52 Guest House (IGH) 142

Department Contacts

Sr.No. Name Contact No.
1 Administrative Officer 0565-2970997
2 Finance and Accounts Officer 0565-2970998
3 CIRG Help Line 0565-2970999

For Complaints / Grievance

Sr.No. Name Designation Contact Details
Institute Complaint Committee For Women
1 Dr. Anu Rahal, Principal Scientist Chairman/Presiding Officer anu [dot] rahal [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
2 Dr. Nikita Sharma, Senior Scientist Member nitika [dot] sharma [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
3 Dr. Chetna Gangwar, Senior Scientist Member chetna [dot] gangwar [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
4 Dr. V Rajkumar, Principal Scientist Member (SC/ST) v [dot] rajkumar [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
5 Dr.Archana Patahk, Professor, DUVASU Member (Outside)  
6 Shri P.K.Sharma, Principal Scientist Member Secretary pushpendra [dot] sharma [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
Transparency Officer
7 Dr.V Rajkumar Principal Scientist EPBAX No. : 120
For more query and complaints, contact at CPGRAMS

Executive Committee Contacts

Sr.No. Name Designation Email Address
1 Dr. Ashok Kumar, Principal Scientist And Head President ashok [dot] kumar11 [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in Animal Health Division
2 Dr. M.K.Singh, Principal Scientist And Head Vice President manoj [dot] singh1 [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in AGB Division
3 Dr. Ravindra Kumar, Principal Scientist And Head Secretary ravindra [dot] kumar [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in ANM And P.T. Division
4 Dr. Chetna Gangwar, Senior Scientist Joint Secretary chetna [dot] gangwar [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in APR Division
5 Dr. Nitika Sharma, Senior Scientist Tresurer nitika [dot] sharma [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in AH Division
6 Dr. S.P.Singh, Senior Scientist Member shiv [dot] singh [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in APR Division
7 Dr. k Gururaj, Senior Scientist Member k [dot] gururaj [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in AH Division
8 Dr. T.P.Singh, Scientist Member tarun [dot] singh [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in ANMPT Division
9 Dr. Mohd. Arif, Scientist Member mohd [dot] arif [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in ANMPT Division

Staff Contacts details

Scientific Contacts

Sr.No. Name Designation EPBAX No. Email Discipline
1 Dr Manish Kumar Chatli Director 111 director [dot] cirg [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in Livestock Products Technology
Animal Genetics And Breeding Division
2 Dr. M. K. Singh Principal Scientist And Head of Department 140 manoj [dot] singh1 [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in Animal Genetics And Breeding
3 Dr. Dr. Gopal Das Principal Scientist 139 gopal [dot] dass [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in Animal Genetics And Breeding
Animal Health Division
4 Dr. Ashok Kumar Principal Scientist And Head of Division 127 ashok [dot] kumar11 [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in Veterinary Medicine
5 Dr. Anu Rahal Principal Scientist 129 anu [dot] rahal [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in Veterinary Pharmacology
6 Dr. K. Gururaj Senior Scientist 132 k [dot] gururaj [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in Veterinary Microbiology
7 Dr. A. K. Mishra Senior Scientist 131 anil [dot] mishra [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in Veterinary Microbiology
8 Dr. Nitika Sharma Senior Scientist 130 nitika [dot] sharma [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in Veterinary Medicine
Animal Physiology And Reproduction (APR) Division
10 Dr. Mukesh Bhakat Principal Scientist And Head of Division 134 mukesh [dot] bhakat [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in Live Stock Production and Management
11 Dr. S. D. Kharche Principal Scientist 133 suresh [dot] kharche [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in Animal Reproduction
12 Dr. Ravi Ranjan Senior Scientist 135 ravi [dot] ranjan [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in Animal Physiology
13 Dr. S. P. Singh Sr. Scientist 136 shiva [dot] singh [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in Animal Physiology
14 Dr. Chetna Gangwar Sr. Scientist 137 chetna [dot] gangwar [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in Animal Reproduction
15 Dr. Yogesh Kumar Soni Scientist 138 yogesh [dot] soni [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in Animal Reproduction
Animal Nutrition Management And Products Technology (ANMAnd PT) Division
17 Dr. Ravindra Kumar Principal Scientist And Head of Division 122 ravindra [dot] kumar [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in Animal Nutrition
18 Dr. B. Rai Principal Scientist 118 bhuwaneshwar [dot] rai [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in Livestock Production And Management
19 Dr. V. Rajkumar Principal Scientist 120 v [dot] rajkumar [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in Livestock Products Technology
20 Dr. Arvind Kumar Principal Scientist 119 arvind [dot] kumar10 [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in FMP
21 Dr. A. K. Verma Sr.Scientist 123 arun [dot] verma [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in Livestock Products Technology
22 Dr. Tarun Pal Singh Scientist 125 tarun [dot] singh [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in Livestock Products Technology
Extension Education and Socio Economics Section
23 Dr. A. K. Dixit Principal Scientist And Incharge 228 anupam [dot] dixit [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in Agriculture Economics
24 Dr.Khushyal singh Senior Scientist 117 khushyal [dot] singh [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in Agriculture
AICRP On Goat Improvement
25 Dr.M.K.Chatli Director And PC AICRP 111 director [dot] cirg [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in LPT

Technical Officers Contacts

Sr.No. Name Designation EPBAX No. Email Division/Section
1 Dr. Vinay Chaturvedi Assistant Chief Technical Officer 233 vinay [dot] chaturavedi [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in Animal Health Division
2 Sh.T.K.Gautam Assistant Chief Technical Officer 231   Animal Health Division
3 Sh.Lal Singh Assistant Chief Technical Officer   lal [dot] singh1 [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in Farm Management Unit
4 Sh. Suraj Pal Singh Assistant Chief Technical Officer 242 suraj [dot] pal [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in Animal Nutrition Management And Product Technology Division
5 Dr. Vijay Kishore Assistant Chief Technical Officer   vijay [dot] kishor [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in Animal Health Division
6 Sh.Satish Chandra Assistant Chief Technical Officer 121 satish [dot] chandra [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in AKMU
7 Sh. V.K.Sharma Assistant Chief Technical Officer     Animal Genetics and Breeding Division
8 Sh. Sugad Singh Technical Officer     Farm Management Unit
9 Smt. Anjali Singh Technical Assistant   anjali [dot] singh93 [at] icar [dot] org [dot] in Animal Health Division

Administration Officers Contacts

Sr.No. Section Name Designation Contact No. EPBAX No. Email
1 Administration Mr. Shyam Sunder Administrative Officer 0565-2970997 112 shyam [dot] sunder36 [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
2 Audit And Accounts section Mr. Chaman Singh Sr.F And AO 0565-2970998 113 chaman [dot] singh41 [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
3 Administration Sh. P.K.Sharma Nodal Officer   146 pushpendra [dot] sharma [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in

Guest House Contacts

Sr.No. Hostel Name Designation Contact No. Email
1 Shalihotra Hostel Incharge, Shalihotra Hostel   anupam [dot] dixit [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
2 Mahatma Gandhi International Guest House Incharge, Guest House 0565-2970992 vinay [dot] chaturavedi [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in ,
cequivet [at] gmail [dot] com

Divisions Contacts

Sr.No. Name Designation EPBAX No. Email
Animal Genetics and Breeding Division
1 Dr. M. K. Singh Animal Genetics And Breeding 140 manoj [dot] singh1 [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
2 Dr.Gopal Das Animal Genetics And Breeding 139 gopal [dot] dass [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
Animal Health Division
3 Dr. Ashok Kumar Veterinary Medicine 127 ashok [dot] kumar11 [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
4 Dr. Anu Rahal Veterinary Pharmacology 129 anu [dot] rahal [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
5 Dr. K. Gururaj Veterinary Microbiology 132 k [dot] gururaj [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
6 Dr. A. K. Mishra Veterinary Microbiology 131 anil [dot] mishra [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
7 Dr.Nitika Sharma Veterinary Medicine 130 nitika [dot] sharma [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
Animal Physiology and Reproduction Division
8 Dr. Mukesh Bhakat Principal Scientist And Head of Division 134 mukesh [dot] bhakat [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
9 Dr. S. D. Kharche Principal Scientist 133 suresh [dot] kharche [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
10 Dr. Ravi Ranjan Sr.Scientist 135 ravi [dot] ranjan [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
11 Dr. S. P. Singh Sr. Scientist 136 shiva [dot] singh [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
12 Dr. Chetna Gangwar Sr. Scientist 137 chetna [dot] gangwar [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
13 Dr. Yogesh Kumar Soni Scientist 138 yogesh [dot] soni [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
Animal Nutrition, Management And Products Technology Division
14 Dr. Ravindra Kumar Animal Nutrition 122 ravindra [dot] kumar [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
15 Dr. B. Rai Livestock Production And Management 118 bhuwaneshwar [dot] rai [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
16 Dr. V. Rajkumar Livestock Products Technology 120 v [dot] rajkumar [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
17 Dr. Arvind Kumar FMP 119 arvind [dot] kumar10 [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
18 Dr. A. K. Verma Livestock Products Technology 123 arun [dot] verma [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
19 Dr. Tarun Pal Singh Livestock Products Technology 125 tarun [dot] singh [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in


Sr.No. Name Designation Contact No. Email
1 Dr. V. Raj Kumar Public Information Officer 05652970997 vrvets [at] gmail [dot] com
2 Dr. AK Dixit Transparency Officer 05652763320 anupam [dot] dixit [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
3 Dr. M.K. Chatli First Appellate Authority 0565-270995 director [dot] cirg [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in

Section / Cell / Unit Contacts

Sr.No. Name of Scientist Designation Contact No. EPBAX No. Email
Extension Education and Socio Economics Section
1 Dr. A.K. Dixit Principal Scientist And In charge 0565-2970999   anupam [dot] dixit [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
2 Dr.Khushyal singh Senior Scientist 0565-2970999   khushyal [dot] singh [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
Planning, Monitoring And Evaluation(Pme) Section
3 Dr. Ashok Kumar   (Incharge) Principal Scientist   127 ashok [dot] kumar11 [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
Institute Technology Managment Unit (ITMU)
4 Dr.K Gururaj (Incharge) Senior Scientist   132 k [dot] gururaj [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
Agriculture Knowledge Managment Unit (AKMU)
5 Dr.V Rajkumar (Incharge) Principal Scientist   120 v [dot] rajkumar [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
6 Mr. Satish Chandra Assistant Chief Technical Officer   121 satish [dot] chandra [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
Technology information Centre (TIC)
7 Dr.K Gururaj (Incharge) Senior Scientist   132 k [dot] gururaj [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in

Service Section Contacts

Sr.No. Name Designation EPBAX No. Email
Human Dispensary
1 Dr.Nitika Sharma (Incharge) Senior Scientist 130 nitika [dot] sharma [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
Maintenance Section
2 Sh.Lal Singh (Incharge) ACTO   lal [dot] singh1 [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
Security Section
3 Dr. A.K.Dixit (Incharge) Principal Scientist 228 anupam [dot] dixit [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
Vehicle Section
4 Dr. A.K.Verma (Incharge) Senior Scientist 123 arun [dot] verma [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
Library Section
5 Dr.V Rajkumar (Incharge) Principal Scientist 120 v [dot] rajkumar [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in

Farms Contacts

Sr.No. Name Designation EPABX No. Email
Barbari Unit, Genetics And Breeding Division
1 Dr. M. K. Singh Principal Scientist And Head of Department (Incharge) 140 manoj [dot] singh1 [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
Jakhrana Unit, Genetics And Breeding Division
2 Dr. Gopal Das Principal Scientist (Incharge) 139 gopal [dot] dass [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
Experimental Shed, Animal Physiology And Reproduction Division
3 Dr. Yogesh Kumar Soni (Incharge) Scientist 138 yogesh [dot] soni [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
Animal Nutrition Experimental Shed, ANM And PT Division
4 Dr. Ravindra Kumar Principal Scientist (Head) 122 ravindra [dot] kumar [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
Exprimental Shed, Animal Health Division
5 Shri. Tarun Kumar Gautam STO (Incharge) 232 tarun [dot] gautam [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in

Admin And Finance Department

Sr.No. Name Designation Contact No. EPABX No. Email
Audit And Account Section
1 Shri Chaman Singh Sr. F And A.O 0565-2970998 113 chaman [dot] singh41 [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
Bill And Cash Section
2 Sh. P.K.Sharma Incharge   115 pushendra [dot] sharma [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
Central Store
3 Sh. P.K.Sharma Incharge   239 pushendra [dot] sharma [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
4 Sh. P.K.Sharma Incharge   146 pushendra [dot] sharma [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
Purchase Section
5 Sh. P.K.Sharma Incharge   115 pushendra [dot] sharma [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in

Training And Skill Development Cell

Sr.No. Name Designation Email
1 Dr.Khushyal Singh Senior Scientist khushyal [dot] singh [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
2 Dr.V Rajkumar Principal Scientist v [dot] rajkumar [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in


ICAR - CIRG, Makhdoom, Farah - 281122 ,
Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Email: director [dot] cirg [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in / manishchatlilpt [at] gmail [dot] com

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