Ircon International Limited

All India Number(s): 

011-2653 0266


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Board of Directors

Name Contact Details
Shri.Yogesh Kumar Misra Chairman & Managing Director 
Ircon International Limited
C-4, District Centre,Saket
New Delhi - 110017
Tel: 011-26530450.
Fax: 011-26522000
Email: cmdsectt [at] ircon [dot] org
Shri. Shyam Lal Gupta Director (Projects)
Ircon International Limited C-4,
District Centre, Saket, New Delhi- 110017
Tel: 011-26530451
Fax: 011-26522000
Email: sl [dot] gupta [at] ircon [dot] org
Smt. Ragini Advani Director (Finance)
Ircon International Limited C-4,
District Centre, Saket, New Delhi- 110017
Tel: 011-26530453
Fax: 011-26522000
Shri Parag Verma Director (Works)
Ircon International Limited C-4,
District Centre, Saket, New Delhi- 110017
Tel: 011-26530452
Fax: 011-26522000

Key Management and Executives

Executive Directors
Name Designation Email
A.K.Goyal Executive Director/Works ak [dot] goyal [at] ircon [dot] org
Subhash Chand Executive Director/Electrical subhash [dot] chand [at] ircon [dot] org
Pramod Kumar Singh Project Director/Patna pksingh [at] ircon [dot] org
Ankush Gupta Executive Director/Projects ankush [dot] gupta [at] ircon [dot] org
Surender Singh Executive Director/Special Works surender [dot] singh [at] ircon [dot] org
Jayasankar V K Project Director/Algeria jayasankar [at] ircon [dot] org
Devendra Kumar Sharma Project Director/Vadodara
Mumbai Expressway
dk [dot] sharma [at] ircon [dot] org
Company Affairs
Ritu Arora Company Secretary cosecy [at] ircon [dot] org
V.K. Gupta Chief General Manager/Works-I vkgupta [at] ircon [dot] org
Prnav Kumar Chief General Manager/Works-II  prnav [dot] kumars [at] ircon [dot] org
Sitesh Kumar Singh Chief General Manager/DFC siteshkumars [at] ircon [dot] org
Surendra Yadav Chief General Manager/Electrical surendra [dot] yadav [at] ircon [dot] org
Sanjay Kumar Gupta Chief General Manager/Electrical snjay [dot] gupta [at] ircon [dot] org
Vimal Kishor Nagar Chief General Manager/Electrical vimalk [dot] nagar [at] ircon [dot] org
Signal & Telecom
Mohan Lal Chahar Chief General Manager/S&T mohan [dot] chahar [at] ircon [dot] org
Neeraj Gupta Chief General Manager/Mechanical neeraj [dot] gupta [at] ircon [dot] org
Finance Accounts
Mugunthan B. Executive Director/ Fin. & CFO mugunthan [at] ircon [dot] org
Abheejit Kumar Sinha  Chief General Manager/Fin. abheejitk [dot] sinha [at] ircon [dot] org
Rohit Parmar Chief General Manager/Fin. rohit [dot] parmar [at] ircon [dot] org
Alin Roy Choudhury Chief General Manager/Fin. alin [dot] roy [at] ircon [dot] org
Human Resource Management
Abheejit Kumar Sinha  Chief General Manager/Fin. & HRM abheejitk [dot] sinha [at] ircon [dot] org
Surendra Singh CVO surendra [dot] singh [at] ircon [dot] org
Polu Srinivas Reddy General Manager ps [dot] reddy [at] ircon [dot] org
Information Technology
Neeraj Gupta Chief General Manager/Mech & IT neeraj [dot] guota [at] ircon [dot] org
Quality Management
S.V.S.Rao  General Manager svs [dot] rao [at] ircon [dot] org
Mendu Chakra Pani Additional General Manager/Admin m [dot] xhakrapani [at] ircon [dot] org
Design & Development Cell
Debajyoti Kumar Chief General Manager/Design debajyoti [dot] kumar [at] ircon [dot] org

Vigilance Contact

Name & Designation Landline No. E.mail
1 Sh. Surendra Singh, (CVO) 011-26530454 cvo [at] ircon [dot] org
2 Miss Arti Rathore (Secy. to CVO) 011-26530230 arti [dot] rathor [at] ircon [dot] org
3 Sh. P S Reddy (GM) 011-26530941
ps [dot] reddy [at] ircon [dot] org
4 Sh. Sanjay Kumar (AGM) 011-26530943
sanjaykumar [at] ircon [dot] org
5 Sh. Rajesh Mishra (JGM) 011-26530944
rajesh [dot] mishra [at] ircon [dot] org

Nodal Officer for Grievance

Any person can register his / her Grievance / Complaint with the Nodal officer of IRCON 

Mr. Debajyoti Kumar, CGM (Design)
Ircon International Limited,
C-4, District Centre, Saket, New Delhi – 110017
Phone No.: 011-26545470
Mobile No.: 9560595083
Email: fpd [at] ircon [dot] org

Whistle Blower Policy

Shri Yogesh Kumar Misra
Chairman & Managing Director,
Ircon International Limited,
C-4, District Centre, Saket, New Delhi – 110017
Phone No.: 011-26530450
Email-id : wbp [dot] cmd [at] ircon [dot] org

Shri Ajay Kumar Chauhan,
Chairman, Audit Committee & 
Independent (Part-Time Non- Official) Director,
Ircon International Limited,
C-4, District Centre,
Saket, New Delhi- 110017 
Mobile No. 9911050500
Email-id: wbp [dot] audit [at] ircon [dot] org


Ircon International Limited,
C-4, District Centre, Saket
New Delhi - 110017
Fax: 011-26522000

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